cbsnews.com has a section devoted to the world of the blog; BLOGOGPHILE
it makes me feel so dirty
I know I have a problem
I know I am a blog addict
I never knew I was a BLOGOPHILE!
Rants on Cycling and on Life
sami's bicycle diary
From 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. there will be an open house at Heurich House. Please join DCist there around 6:30 p.m.; the Foundation is requesting a $5 donation at the door. After the tour, DCist will be heading over to Buffalo Billiards to grab some beer and raise some more money.
Where: Heurich Brewmasters Castle
1307 New Hampshire Avenue (One block south of Dupont Circle)
After open house: Buffalo Billiards
When: Friday, February 3, 2006
5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. (to tour with DCist, stop by at 6:30pm)
8:00 p.m. onwards: Buffalo Billiards
What: See the Castle at this Open House & Fundraiser
$5 donation at the door
Drink some beer and raise more funds!
Please come on out to save America's most-intact late-Victorian house museum and to enjoy some DCist fun, history-style. Heurich House has long been considered one of Washington's best kept secrets; we're hoping to get the word out so that it remains in the public trust for visitors to enjoy time and time again.
the 24 hours of sunlight is not the only party february 11th