fatherhood in the modern world
in this modern world
in this modern developed world
it has been many centuries since the life of a child was like the life of their father's childhood
what is done?
what has been handed down?
what is new?
velcro, scs/dvd/,digital cameras, electric tooth brushes, lights on your shoes, and computers
and every tangent from there
my grandfather may have had in his youth a flushing toilet, a car, a movie theater, and the technology of radio/telephone/electricity and products of mass production
all of which his father did not have in his childhood
my great grandfather's child was perhaps without a bicycle
I am not sure
but... by chance of economics my grandfather's childhood could have lacked a bicycle
the truth I a not sure
but I am certain that my father did have bicycles and so do I
my sons also have bicycle
the bicycle's evolution has slowed
evolution took its biggest leap from nothing to something
then slowly improved itself from there
the bicycle is still improving
yet the bicycle is still a bicycle
the evolution of riding may have gone through more dramatic changes in the last many decades than the evolution of design or technology
my sons will certainly do things on bikes I could have never done
as some things were not known to be possible