i will admit that I neglect to add new music to it as frequently as i should
but iDo love my iPod
the primary use of the iPod is as an auxilary device
it works on various stereos in my house as well as in my car
as tempting as it may be to use the iPod on the bike
seems that tuning out that one sense would leave me one sense short of being safe
not to mention when i ride there are an assortment of things to listen to
in addition to the sound of the birds in the trees and the squirrels in the brush
there are the sounds of oncoming hikers, joggers, bikers, and that chance encounter with a deer or a bear
so much to hear... much of which should not be missed
there is the sound of the bike as well as the sound of the world around me
there are so many sounds worth hearing
the sound of a stick clicking in the spokes
there is the sound of a slow leak
the sound of mal adjusted limit screws failing to stop a deraileur from going into the rear wheel
just to name a few
as far as people around town
the cell phone is the worse
people become blind when they talk on the phone
they walk into the street without looking
they walk into other people
they are inefficient when shopping.... I will snake anyone on their cell phone as they meander their way to the register
leave the iPod at home
and well
exist more safely as well as more considerate in public
when walking in the park.... let the park entertain you
you can finish that pod cast when you get home