this lights are cool!
saw these at a neighbor's house
they also had these fun bumble bee track lights
I think they have some money
as everything they owned was from Design Within Reach.... a rich man;'s IKEA
Rants on Cycling and on Life
Shop Class: Bicycle Shop Class
Physical Terrorism: The Movie!
kids these days....
some random thougths from this morning....
last night I had an incident with a car driver while on my bicycle
once home when my heart rate settled I reflected on things...
the words of the car driver's sounded so much like Marvin's
either he was quoting Marvin
or somehow there is some mass misunderstanding of the cyclists rights to the road
sure I can see how Marvin was attempting to be clever or cute with his little radio rant
his voice over the airwaves could have a negative backlash
not unlike someone telling an Anti-Semitic joke
those who are anti-Semitic would not only find humor, but would feel that their hatred or generalizations are justified
riding a bicycle is dangerous enough as it is
such a radio broadcast can not help things one bit
this whole thing has me more on edge as a commuting cyclist than ever before
maybe this is a chance for listener supported WAMU to aid in the education of car drivers
not just in this Friday's rebuttal
but maybe there could a series of stories that aid in opening people's minds to the rights and perspectives of the cyclist on the road
who knows....
maybe WAMU can start their own "Bike Talk" with Spoke and Spare Tire
thanks for listening
another rant just like any other rant
WAW: Bummer.... no race... no race report
Bicycle Blogs and Bicycle Blogging Coops
quick ride with a friend
Like a Ghost
image from Chico Velo Cycling Club
and the response from David Furst of WAMU
WABA should have a good answer to Marvin's questions....
why were the cyclists on the road and not the bike path on Mac Arthur?
they were going faster than it would be safe to travel on the bike path
because it is more safe on the road... for the cyclist and other trail
car drivers tend not to yeild to the user's of the bike path...
cars pull out of roads/alleys/and driveways over the bike paths... never
yeilding to what should be the expected trail user
the speed limit is 25 MPH
how much slower is the legal lower limit?
and on Broad Branch...
that road is a "bike route"
unexpected? he may want to pay attention to the signs
and it is marked as such
has he heard of commuters?
Marvin needs the education and training....
my last thought
is Marvin threatening cyclists that they better stay out of his way?
I truly do not believe that Marvin was threatening bicyclists. A hugehis responses may or may not be a simple "cut and psate"
number of listeners believe that he was, so at the very least the writing
could have been clearer. But I think the line where he said cyclists
better "beware" was meant as a warning to cyclists to be careful around the
OTHER drivers out there with road rage issues... and about the very real
dangers on the roads. I do not believe that he was issuing a personal
threat of physical violence to cyclists.
When he says "please, please, stay out of my way" at the end... I take this
as a plea - - not as a warning that he is planning to mow anybody down.
That's the way I see it, but again... the fact that the perception is out
there that Marvin was threatening cyclists with real phsical violence...
means the writing could have been clearer. I plan to chat with Marvin to
clarify that my perception is correct.
Thanks again,
Commentary by Marvin Kalb - bikes & carsCommentator Marvin Kalb has some thoughts about cars and bicylces -and why it's a good idea they should never meet on our already crowded local roads.
Ah... Marvin... Marvin... Marvin....
yesterday you did not exist.... now you have more enemies that you could have ever imagined
so many enemies...
How is it that a journalist could be so single minded?
Was this WAMU or was this FOX?
and WAMU.... you misspelled BICYCLES!
I am waiting for your response
you now sit in the same class of journalists as Bob Levy and Dr. Gridlock (Ron Shafer)
other idiots who have been paid to give an uneducated perspective on cyclists and the road....
I am too angry to type
Anti-Bike Commentary on WAMU Radio in DCplease give this a listen
The current edition of WAMU's weekly Metro Connection radio program ends
with about a 3-minute "commentary" by former TV network correspondent
Marvin Kalb, arguing that bicyclists belong on "bike paths", not roads
such as MacArthur Blvd in Montgomery County, MD and Broad Branch Road in
Rock Creek Park (DC).
Here's the segment description posted at
"Commentary by Marvin Kalb - bikes & cars Commentator Marvin Kalb has
some thoughts about cars and bicylces -and why it's a good idea they
should never meet on our already crowded local roads."
This program will air again from 5-6 AM on Saturday morning and 2-3 AM
on Monday morning.
To listen to the Real Player audio for this segment, go to:
To provide your feedback, call WAMU's Listener Comment Line at
202-885-1213 or send an email to
met-@wamu.org; dfurst@wamu.org
Thanks for the e-mail. As you would expect, we have received loads of
complaints about this piece. I was on vacation for the last week and a
half, so the first chance I had to listen to this piece was Sunday night.
We'll be discussing the commentary at the station this week and I have
already asked WABA (Washington Area Bicyclists Association) to write a
rebuttal. We're running the response on Metro Connection this Friday.
Thanks again,
David Furst
Producer, Metro Connection