will my rain dance pay off?

my preloaded excuses did not pay off!
the inability of my Landcruiser to start was discovered this afternoon rather than tomorrow/Sunday morning
lisa said, "yes" when she should have said, "no, you can not borrow the car!"
the back up rides were all lined up in case she said, "no"
no one stole my cross bike as I absent mindedly left it outside last night
there is no backing out
guess I am headed to Reston for the cross race at Lake Fairfax

I can still foolishly take a route that is blocked by the Marine Corps Marathon! That will keep me from getting there on time.

the bike is tunned
(sure it is lacking the SPOOKY brake calipers and the TUFO tubular clinchers that I have been waiting for)
everything is ready to go
all I need to do is finish this bottle of wine and go to sleep