Laws and the Bike....
It is strange how there are these "alledged laws" for the bike. Like the idea that they can take your bicycle away for commiting a traffic violation or for riding your bicycle on trails that are marked NO BIKES.
Here is an article about some disgruntal Critical Mass riders who had their bikes taken at a protest at the RNC in September, New York Post article
stumbled on this from the HIPPY CYCLIST
what are the real laws?
what are a person's real rights?
It is strange how there are these "alledged laws" for the bike. Like the idea that they can take your bicycle away for commiting a traffic violation or for riding your bicycle on trails that are marked NO BIKES.
Here is an article about some disgruntal Critical Mass riders who had their bikes taken at a protest at the RNC in September, New York Post article
stumbled on this from the HIPPY CYCLIST
what are the real laws?
what are a person's real rights?