dogs love trucks
kids love snowdays
lee likes bikes is an amazing resource

check it out
all sorts of opinions and information that may aid or inspire!

Lee's book that is just hot off the press!
"Mastering Mountain bike Skills!"

and then this also from Lee


this is something that I would love to see in the Washington DC area
but where?
I would love to see the NPS embrace mountainbiking and offer up a little land
there are horse trails.... why not bike trails?
the C&O canal has land stretching from Georgetown to Cumberland
some small stretches would make for some great little single track loops!
recently I have been daydreaming about FRIDAYS AT FLETCHERS
down by the soon to be CLOSED Fletchers Boat house there is some land that would make for a great little man made loop
maybe a larger version of a the PUMP COURSE
or maybe something similar to WAKEFIELD PARK in Northern VA
(Wednesdays At Wakefield aka WAW)

another Fletcher's article

work is calling
blog must go on the back burner