side effects of medication: HICKUPS!?!
last night I hadthe hickups for what seemed to be over an hour
it was all a tad amusing
dean woke up and wanted to get into our bed; no an option!
i need my space
i need my sleep
with his incidental kicks to the head as he tosses and turns in the night
he would most certainly make painfulcontact with my bandaged and broken finger
so already awake with the hickups i met dean half way on the stairs
i consoled him and explained to him just as i explained to you why he needs to sleep in his own bed
once upstairs i distracted him by finding his newly acquired starwars toys
with the toys in hand he wanted a story
sure it was quarter of fiur.... but how would i sleep with these hickups?
so dean got his story...
one word... two words.... hickup... one word.. hickup
and so things went
dean told me i needed a glass of water
i tried his remedy.... still hickups
back to the story...
one word... two words.... hickup... one word.. hickup
again dean sent me for more water
a gallon later.. still hickups and a jumbled story
a hug
a kiss
back to bed
finally asleep
only to wake with the hickups again asi drained that gallon of water from my system
last night I hadthe hickups for what seemed to be over an hour
it was all a tad amusing
dean woke up and wanted to get into our bed; no an option!
i need my space
i need my sleep
with his incidental kicks to the head as he tosses and turns in the night
he would most certainly make painfulcontact with my bandaged and broken finger
so already awake with the hickups i met dean half way on the stairs
i consoled him and explained to him just as i explained to you why he needs to sleep in his own bed
once upstairs i distracted him by finding his newly acquired starwars toys
with the toys in hand he wanted a story
sure it was quarter of fiur.... but how would i sleep with these hickups?
so dean got his story...
one word... two words.... hickup... one word.. hickup
and so things went
dean told me i needed a glass of water
i tried his remedy.... still hickups
back to the story...
one word... two words.... hickup... one word.. hickup
again dean sent me for more water
a gallon later.. still hickups and a jumbled story
a hug
a kiss
back to bed
finally asleep
only to wake with the hickups again asi drained that gallon of water from my system