starting to feel better
starting to feel good
starting to catch up after a bit of a set back
this broken finger put a little bike of a wrench into my machine
actually nothing more than a speed bump
but that bump took away some serious momentum
it may have been as much as two months off the bike
then getting on was slow
now I am slow
but starting to pick up the pace
starting to increase the miles
forty-five minutes are not enough base for an hour and a half race
then how do I expect to perform at the 100 mile off road experience known as the Shenandoah Mountain 100

I do not expect to be anywhere near Jeremiah Bishop at the finish
I would like to match my personal best from last year
my intention was to beat my time from last year
with the recovery from the broken finger and such
there just has not been the same amount of riding and racing
there has definitely been a drop in my personal intensity on the bike
my techincal is even more shy than it usually is
this is not a course where you want to be without your legs, lungs, and intensity