a real treat with no tricks
over a week ago I picked up my new Specialized Tri Cross Comp
it is a beautiful bike that has a bit of a Darth Vadar feel to it
the all black frame with its unique flat spots areas and oddly thick spots make me feel like I am on some super stealth machine
the rain and other obligations kept me off the bike days prior last night I thought about it
Halloween seemed like the perfect time to start breaking in this machine
tonight there will have to be a very rapid session on some dirt before I go home for some more Halloween action
tonight our neighborhood throws a major celebration
it should be a great gathering the kids from our block are all meeting together for a mass march up to the Halloween Block Pary
the party should be extra fun for Lisa and myself as the party occurs on the block where we lived for five years before we moved to our current house
ye ha!
trick or treat happy Halloween!
I have to admit.... I will be relived when Halloween is behind us.... it has lasted nearly two months
finally the apex has arrived
Tuesday may offer some "post party depression"
but Thanksgiving and Christmas should start occupying the boys attention in no time