rock creek treasure
this morning as I walked the dogs I surveyed some log steps that I have been gradually working on over the past few years
yes, this is rogue trail work
yes, this is not sanctioned by the national park service
but some of these heavily used paths are not maintained by the park service
fallen trees are not removed
trash is not picked up
trail repair is most definitely not done on these unmarked yet very popular trails
so I often try to pick up the slack
as I looked to see if the latest log additions were starting to take hold
I looked at the area around me
the dogs were panting heavily showing their hot breath in the cold air
the large natural log bridge over the ravine had a slick icy sheen
over to my side was the glistening of a glass bottle
a combination of erosion from the recent rains and perhaps the contraction of the winter earth revealed this bottle to me
so I stepped off the trail and approached the fence that borders the Rockefeller property
to my pleasure the bottle was intact
filled with dirt somewhat indiscernible
I picked up the bottle then continued a short walk with the dogs
as I walked I inspected my fresh find
the bottle was unique in its shape very thick glass
far more aesthetically pleasing then the bottling of today's soda products
at a glance it appeared to read, "TRY ME SODA COMPANY"
on the bottom of the bottle was a patent date of the 1920's
the final character unable to be read
I walked I day dreamed about all the project I plot
then I cursed myself for all the projects I never do
ending in a personal promise to at least start some projects
which is better than thinking of them then forgetting them
finished the wooded walk
leashed the dogs and walked the final sidewalk blocks home
a bottle collector's page Chosi's Deco Bottle Page
wow... these folks at the Potomac Bottle Collectors are geekier than me
I wonder what the date of this bottle may actually be
I wonder who tossed it there this does link up to the Roosevelt Trail
wonder if Teddy tossed aside as he was shooting squirrels with his buddies