the boys were over my shoulder cleaning up in the tub
I logged on
foolishly thinking I may have a few moments to lose myself in the blog
the boys giggled and played only feet away in the next room
they seemed to be behaving
there was a loud splash then another
the blog was abandoned
frantic blogger transforms into frantic daddy
blogger almost becomes his own daddy
the lecture about splashing is stressed again
this is not the first splashing incident and certainly not the last
ithis was clearly more than some incidental splashing
this was something more
this was clearly the heaving of cups of water at the wall
I looked at the walls
took multiple towels to soak up the wet tiles
then I wiped down the walls
with a stern voiced I tried to explain the damage that could be caused
the idea of "breaking the house" was brought up some time ago
dean does not want to break the house
he was immediately remorseful
there was no spanking there was no excessive raising of the voice
there was frustration
then there was understanding
young boys are curious about cause and effect
there is seldom any actual concern for consequences
this is an issue in boys that maintains for many years for some this behavior may last decades
I try to be understanding
I am trying to learn to be understanding
so the bath was cut short
dean got a bit more of a lecture as he got dressed
grant was very good about allowing me to dry and dress him
with the boys dressed and not sure what to do I let the boys plot our next move
dean found an unopened copy of Baraka on my book shelf
having lent out my other copy of Baraka to a friend who most certainly left it at his ex-girl friend's house this would be gift was opened
we went downstairs to catch a film before bedtime
the boys sit beside me in a darkened room t
he Kecak dancers amuse dean as much as they amuse me
on with my blog
and BARAKA... a movie that will movie you
fantastic film for anyone who loves travel, culture, beautiful imagry, and life
tonic: kids night at tonic in mount pleasant there is a bar/restaurant called tonic tonic is kind enough to host a kids night perhaps it is a mutualistic situation they give parents free food to kids under 12 in turn us parents corral ourselves to one night a week, wednesday thus keeping the actions of over excited children from interferring with romantic couples trying to seal the deal or unfortunate couples trying to manage a smooth break up in a public place well, tonight tonic did not serve me well, not well at all while lisa went to a PTA meeting while I played mr. mom in an effort to feed daddy and keep the kids entertained we marched up the hill to tonic the boys got into the stroller dean almost too big at four for the stroller got in first then I dropped grant upon him dean knows the drill it is up to dean to be grant's seat belt I marched up fast
the boys enjoyed the ride
we cruised up the hill, down the main strip, upto the doorway with zero casualties
no one crashed
no one tried to abandon ship being moderately familiar with the menu I ordered fast the kids needs were discussed on the multi-block stroll through mount pleasant mac and cheese and mini-pizza my decision was made at first glance, pulled pork platter entree rather than sandwich to justify the free kids meal on kid's night our order was placed and the games began there were crayons and an assortment of toys in my bag my friend adam popped in and joined us grant wrestled to get away and dean played patiently while answering adam's various questions time passed slow the service moved even slower absurdly slow obnoxiously slow
I can understand a that things take time
I can understand that there can be a bit of a back log in orders
I can understand that multiple orders may have slammed the cook at the same time
I can not understand what took the cook so long with our meal on this night being a waiter is not difficult work or so it appears from my side of the table the person at the table has certain needs various needs come in the form of requests other needs come when the person places an order while there are need appear in the form of logic or perhaps common sense our waiter tonight may have never served a table with children before our waiter tonight may have never eaten in a restaurant before our waiter tonight may lack common sense our waiter tonight may have been on PCP actually I think it is more simple our waiter tonight is not very good at being a waiter
our waiter clearly lacked common sense the night went on drink refills were not offered food took forever to be served requests were made then forgotten then made again only to take an irrational amount of time to be filled then the check came well, the amazing disappearing waiter forgot to bring the check at the first request then took forever to bring the check at the reminder I paid the check I over tipped after some calculations in my head I think that my waiter charged me for the two free kids meals
it frustrates me but I try to be understanding
I am trying to be undestanding
I am trying to learn to be understanding