this is the uterus tote bag
on my urban block with its row houses holding each other up there is a wide variety of occupants
there are cigar smoking republicans
various families of various cultures
older adult couples
our lesbian couple with twins moved a few months ago
and there are even a few remaining group houses
a wide variety of occupants
within one of the group houses not the one with the blue grass band of last weekend
but the group house in the other direction down the block
their direction is more to the punk rock side of life
they too have musicians
they also have a creative enteprenurian spirit
in addition to peter and his limited run of custom painted skateboards
there is daisy and her one of a kind clothing
and her uterus tote bags
daisy's uterus tote bags
daisy also converted my City Bikes Shop Dickies work shirt into a vest for the WABA silent auction
and currently... daisy is working on some curtains for our moderately barren house
and of course
I think that the uterus looks a bit like a bike
I always like to bring it back to the bike
check out the Uterus Tote Bag and Daisy's other creations
it may be just the thing for your friend who has everything!