time well spent
time served
voluntered as bartender at the WABA Silent auction
was joined by my brother and several others
all went well
glasses got filled
people got drunk
we made some tips for the WABA folks
my brother and I represented the City Bikes Family
the winter weather held some people back
the number of bikes locked up out front was clearly lower than the year prior
guess the bike valet got the night off
that or they had to shovel the walk outside instead
normally I would ride the short cross town ride for such an affair but, the wet slick roads, the steadily falling snow, the recovering shoulder, the thought of ruining my tuxedo all combined to have me drive the short drive to the Embassy of Finland for the WABA Silent Aucton
the numbers were down due to the weather
yet it was still a lively affair
had the camera there were not as many cyclists to shoot as I had hoped
and well... did not take the photos of those I did not know as I have no need for the digital archive
enough Megabytes of scrap data as it is
the Auction went well
it was amazing to see the deals so much stuff went for below retail
I tried to bid on a unicycle
the folks at League of American Bicyclist out bid me
one of the more interesting items up for sale was a lesson to ride a "high wheeler" by local bike guru larry black
larry black bike collector, bike shop owner, and serious bike geek
he holds various rollers records including the rare ability to strip down naken while riding rollers then getting dressed again
auctioned off the services of promising to teach the winning bidder to ride a high wheeler
at Bike DC a few years ago I saw larry black ride through deep gravel and over railroad tracks
a section that forced many of the riders to dismount and walk
we spoke....
he is a character
not unlike many people within the tribe of the cyclist