an amazing under appreciated natural resourse
a resourse to be treasured for years to come
the canal itself was a failure
the result is fantastic
it could not have happened better
one hundred and eighty six miles of land along side of the Potomac river undeveloped
it is nothing shy of wonderful
the c&o canal has given me great pleasure in so many ways in my many years in the washington dc area
the canal itself was canoeing, fishing, and swimming
it was a place to skip rocks and a place to walk the dogs
the hikes in the woods that surround the canal have been nothing shy of inspiring
a lifetime of hikes
in my past and in my future
the trails are changing
a little too busy
a little too beaten
but the secret is out
the canal is an amazing natural resourse
only a fool would live along side it and not embrace it
a good friend of mine took a few days off from work with some of his riding chums
a semi anual canal camping trip
camping and biking
the weather leading into the trip was dry and warm
the weather took a change starting their first night and first morning
curious to hear the tales of the trail
better stories do not always mean an easier or better time
john shovelan rode cross country a few years ago
kept a journal along the way
c&o canal nps site
those are some shots of me with as I show my fixed gear project off to john after work one day
a gwadzilla post about riding the canal in a day
I think
I just googled it and scanned it