Cane Creek make some great products
There wheels, their headsets, their stems... all beautiful and highly functional
Cane Creek is the high end Diacompe stuff
Diacompe has been around in the mountainbike scene since the beginning.
The Cane Creek Lock On Grips have some great functionality, but over all... they suck.
The grip is far too firm for my standards.
Sure the lock on system keeps things in place. But I will take a squishy grip that slides occassionally over a grip that allows my hands to go numb any day.
This is not the first time I have experience this sort of let down from the lock on style grips. I have been a long time fan of the OURY Grips
If I recall, Oury also has a less than perfect lock on grip system. I think I may have to just use the lock on mechanism at the end of the bar, keeping the soft grip of my choice stuck between the shifter/braker lever and the little lock ring.
The Cane Creek Lock On Grips work like another layer of metal over the handlebar.... not what I am looking for whether on a commuter or on a mountainbike.
I give this product two numb thumbs down.
Great potential failing in the end.