Anger 2.0: trying to reset the defaults

okay, enough
time for me to get into my system and reset some of my settings
my Anger 2.0 may need to be upgraded to Anger 2.1
seems that too much angers me too easily
my settings are set way too low

the cars this morning that ran the red light at the top of the hill leading down my street
sure it was rainy and wet
but they are just fine going 45MPH in a 25 Zone with me with my dogs at one side and my four year old son at the other
that should not anger me

the cars parked in the bike lane
the cars tailgating me
the cars cutting me off
like the water rolling down their windshield
I need let this all flow away
no need to cuss and scream at each and every car and bus
that Florida redneck... he don't know no better
that Jersey asshole... he is just fullfilling his nature
that FISH... f_cking Illinois Sh_ithead... that is just how they drive back home
just let them go
they along with the Diplomats and the international transplants are just acting on the in-sensible sensibilities of their homeland

just as my anger settings need to be adjusted in my now new and improved Anger 2.1
I also need to alter my default settings for what is yelled and what is screamed
it seems that the "c" word is not fitting for any and all... it should be reserved for those that deserve it
instead I did a FIND and REPLACE for the "c" word with the word "sunshine"
that seemed to work
although the fat f_ck that tailgated me down Conn Ave. got my sometimes favorite "obessity epidemic"
with the removal of the "c" I got to yell and the blue haired woman with the blue haired dog out pooping on the sidewalk does not need to adjust her hearing aid

already feeling better with thing set to a more moderate level
can not wait for my next long road ride where I can be less effected by the ignorant assholes around me
can just do my thing
rather than acting like a pinball machine that tilts when it is brushed against

the car drivers just do not know any better
they are unable to put a human element onto the cyclist
in order to stay safe and alive I need to give them space
and keep my fingers and my tongue to myself

the upgrades have not fully propigated through the system quite yet
there may have been a few utterances of the "c" word this am
but something about someone running me down just sort of pisses me off