life is hard... marriage is not always easy... there is a correlation between sacrifice and achievement
personally I think this is an interesting guest
the basic goal of entertainment is advertising
there is some notion that if we see an ad we will buy the product
somewhere down the line someone is thinking that the more people that see these ads the more product they will sell
so.... entertainment gets sponsored by companies
sponsors pay more money for the advertising in a situation where there are more viewers
tonight david blaine tried to break a few absurd world records
nothing short of a train wreck
something that will be talked about at the water cooler tomorrow
david blaine is doing some of his own evil knievel
but we will see if he reaches evil knievel level
okay... I am not going to buy a david blaine action figure
as interesting as the drowned alive display was
not sure if I need a scale model for my kids to play with
but it would take some handy work for them to get all the tattoos detailed that small
but that is not my point
my tangent was totally side tracked
the direction should return to the interesting part of Oprah's show tomorrow is that it will get its everyday Oprah viewers
there are certainly those that tune in everyday
then there are guests that visit that are used to get more new and different addition people to watch
tomorrow's show may get a handful of new one time viewers to pop in
those would be a a handful of cyclists
personally I am curious how it is going to take an hour for her to say
life can be hard marriage is not always easy
there is a good chance if you look at the lives of the majority of those that have achieved great things
there is a correlation between sacrifice and achievement
lucky for me I am not destine for great things
the blog can be a train wreck at times
this red wine induced rant has taken up the time I had intended for my race report from the weekend's 12 hour relay event
guess I will wait for the results to guide the tale
oh, I may watch as much of Oprah as I do the NYC marathon this year
I am interested in what the mother of lance's children but highlights would be enough
just as I am interested in the marathon efforts of lance armstrong this fall
again, interested enough for highlights
in some ways it was awkward to see david blaine not quite achieve his goals
sure he achieved his goal of getting people to watch and talk about the effort
the build up was great
but... the emotion of not meeting that goal on top of the physiological pain
that must have taken as much mind control and will power to contain as it was to hold his breath for a very impressive 7 minutes and 9 seconds
but I still do not want a david blaine action figure
not that evil kenievel...