i love the site
i love their products
i think i need to order some socks... maybe the wrist bands
the jersey is cool... but currently I lack the bank
I wear XL if you are feeling generous
my level of cycling has nothing to do with this level of unfair play
seeing the leaders of the sport cheat like this just pisses me off
how can a kid fairly compare his hundred yard dash time to the fastest man in the world when the fastest man in the world is cheating?*
*no I am not saying that the fastest man in the world is cheating... just trying to create a metaphor
using the banned substances in an event like this would be as fair as starting at the line of the hundred yard dash on the latest and greatest crotch rocked rice burning motorcycle
when I think of the dopers I can not help but think of my favorite cheater of all time... Rosie Ruiz
short cutting a course
catching a cab
using banned substances
where is the joy in the standing on the podium after all of that?
clean it all up...
steroids and whatnot in football/baseball/and whatever....
doping in track and field or cycling...
even weight lifting...
there should be two leagues/contests... the clean one and the dirty one
sadly... the fans would want to watch the pro-wrestling version that would stay dirty
the fans are part of the equation
for some reason the fans keep asking for records to be broken each year/each season
that in just plain unrealistic
cheer for good play
be over joyed if a record is broken
but do not be let down if each time at bat the player of the day does not hit it out of the park
it is asking too much of the athlete