the modern polyester fibers of today's active wear has never ending value for functionality most of these fibers created light weight gear that breathes well, wicks moisture away from the body, and dries quickly
but... with all of those strengths comes one massive weakness
the backpack and gloves tend to be some of the worst victims of STINK FACTOR
actually... the user of those gloves or that backpack are the true victims
the gloves can cause a very stinky hand if the user is not careful
and well... the straps of the backpack can carry quite a strong scent themselves
nasty... nothing shy of nasty....
I have a shirt that smells clean out of the wash... is perfectly fine dry... wears well... then when I break a sweat... the STINK FACTOR is freed!
this particular shirt has the essence of cat pee
I do not even own a cat!
the backpack is worse
the gloves as gloves are cheap enough to be disposable
but the backpack is a bit more costly
FEBREEZE can have temporary resolve to the STINK FACTOR
so can soaking and washing these items
but in the end these items need to be burned!
I googled stink factor and well.... I come up high on the list
Gwadzilla Archive from 2004
(pics from Peru/bush/bontrager/thoughts of the day)
Gwadzilla Archive from 2005
(pic at City Bikes with Ned Overend and other funny stuff.. archives are fun!)