this is the first I have heard of the testosterone patch
I had no idea that landis was a woman trying to boost his libido
a news story
personally I feel...
landis is just another athlete in the tour
if found guilt it will be a serious let down
will that destroy the tour's credibility?
I think not
sports are dirty across the board
cycling has been dirty for years
cycling is trying to come clean
this sort of cheating is nothing new
we see it in baseball and football
in the Olympics as well as the professional level
there needs to be a spring cleaning...
yes... I hope that landis is squeaky clean... but... it does not look good
as far as honesty goes
the presidents of this country have set certain standards of honesty
this is not the age of "yes, I chopped down the cherry tree"
no, this is the era of "talk to my lawyer"
"what tree?"
"prove it"
whether being accused about indecent behavior or stretching the facts on WMD...
no one is telling the truth
maybe it is not just sports that needs a little Spring Cleaning....
maybe our society needs to put its moral fiber through the wash
landis blog