bike lanes

some new yorkers respond to the addition of 200 miles of bike lanes in new york city

dc could use some forward thinking on the cycling issue

wouldnt be wonderful if some of the two lane roads were closed to car traffic during rush hour

I do not see it happening
but there needs to be some forward thinking on this
city planners need to get more creative

there are some places that could be enriched culturely if cars were taken out of the equation

how much parking would really be lost if the EASTERN MARKET were closed to traffic on weekends
sure.... maybe 20 spaces
but... what could be gained in foot traffic and longer stays as well as community interaction
well.... it makes sense to me

the walking malls of Burlington and Boulder were designed by the same person
dc could use a similar effort

the block of bethesda ave in bethesda right on the capitol crescent trail could also do well to close itself to car traffic on weekends
there could be more foot traffic
there would be more commerce from the more relaxed window shopping opportuities
imagine... getting a bagel dog at what once was What's a Bagel with everything, yes onions and relish, then strutting across the street to look at scratched records and moldy books at Second Story Books