the thought that it is illegal to play frisbee on the beach is a rational yet obnoxious law
the law is created because some people are inconsiderate while other people are out of control
if people used their proper judgement and developed some skills then frisbee on the beach would be a safe option
in heavy wind... why bother?
if you can not get the frisbee to your intended location and risk hitting the sunbathers in the area in the head... please don't bother
driving sort of falls into the same framework
people need to exhibit a little more common sense
for me it is not so much the speed of the cars
but everything that goes along with the speeding
the dangers that come from speeding and being out of control
speeding on a stretch of vacant highway in the desert is different than buzzing through a residential neighborhood or an urban center
I have tried going the speed limit.... it is obnoxious and causes road rage
so I drive within an acceptable increase
not as fast as the average driver... but not as slow as grandma headed to church
the problem is....
people have gone beyond a safe increase in speed
it has just gotten out of control
the rolling through the stop sign past the stop line is really my true pet peeve
as the intentional rolling through the stop line at red lights and stop signs is beyond obnoxious it is dangerous
if cars would make a complete stop at the stop line the world would be a better place
pedestrian traffic which includes little old ladies, pregnant women, and people with strollers are at great risk thinking that they are safe
even if the pedestrian has the right of way it is not safe for them to step off the curb
while the car drivers tend to only concern themselves with getting from point A to point B as fast as they can
never is the well being of other taken into account
a complete stop at the appropriate stop line would ripple on to effect all sorts of driving behavior
including speeding
I can not complete this thought
I think the point has been made
I am all for people spending more time being more considerate of others
when I drive I am very aware of my speed and my actions
I try to follow those old rules of "do onto others... "
it amazes me when I get buzzed by a car with a bicycle roof rack
if all human power people/athletes were to be more considerate of all other athletes...
that would be a start
if all moms and dads drove through residential neighborhoods how they would like people to drive down their street
if everyone was more concious of their behavior
it would be a much more pleasant world
off my soap box and back to work
scroll down and look at the pretty pictures