words can be unfair

Wikipedia gave a decent definition of ASSHOLE

the other day I ran into a guy and got to talking
we started talking about Big Wheel Bikes and Big Wheel's owner Mike Sendar
this guy had worked at Big Wheel
he asked knowingly if I had worked there as well
I was in a mood
as I am often in a mood
so, I spoke a little freely
and dubbed Big Wheel's owner Mike Sendar as an asshole

Mike and I are civil
I worked for Mike on and off for a short time many years ago
it is not that I dislike Sendar, yet I do think it is unfair to say that he can be an asshole
that said...
there are some that would say that I am an asshole

gwadzilla archive on Sendar and Big Wheel Bikes
(worth a look, some good images, scroll down to the Big Wheel story)

another gwadzilla archive where I linked to an article about abusive bosses and mentioned Mike Sendar

when I worked at Big Wheel I could not stand at a keg and tell someone where I worked without them telling me an anecdote about how Mike screwed them or someone close to them
it got exhausting defending him... or at least listening to all the stories
as defending him was not my job
Mike Sendar has mellowed with age... but... it is hard for any of us to shake our nature
I am sure he has his moments

read the gwadzilla archives....
Sendar also has some strengths
big wheel bikes