it looks familiar
my guess is that he bought this from another messenger
not sure if that is a factory issue IF
or a custom IF
Independent Fabrications
the approach and exchange between subject and photographer can be awkward
it has to be odd for me to just walk up to these people and ask to take their picture
I try to avoid a "sales pitch"
but... it does come out as a robotic speal sometimes
I try to avoid rushing through a memorized approach
but it happens
we all fall back on autopilot some times
the exchange with this gentlemen was short and smooth
comfortable enough
in fact I would have liked to put the camera down and stay longer
but had to return to work
it was not the exchange between this messenger and myself that was awkward
it was the response of some of the surrounding park people on the benches around them
there seemed to be some interest in my actions
one sometimes aggressive panhandler was paying extra attention to me