NCVC puts on an amazing event
the course is fantastic
the draw is top notch
the day runs smoothy
the location is close to Washington DC and nothing shy of beautiful
there is stuff for the family as spectators and as children racers
all these are combining factors into what make this such a great event
there is also food
a raffle for a cannodale cross bike
and a cause
yes, a cause
the race is hosted with a greater reason than just to serve the our selfish cycling pleasures
the race is also hosted to contribute towards the Chris Sanders College Fund
Chris Sanders is the only son of the now deceased Ed Sanders
Ed Sanders died in a training accident that I do not know the specifics about
I never knew Ed, never heard of Ed till this event a few years ago
although I never knew Ed Sanders it is good to see that I am part of a community that cares about each other
Ed must have been a pretty nice guy
sorry I never got to meet him
his son Chris must be pround to know that his father's name has gone to effect so many people's lives