brutus is a good dog
brutus is a good dog whose life has changed since the death of our dog roscoe
roscoe was his brother
not his litter mate
but his brother
same father different mother
born five days appart
they spend eight years living in tandem
these dogs did everything in stereo
this summer past roscoe died
it is as if brutus has had a part of him removed
the way brutus precieves the world
the way brutus experiences the world has changed
a sunset is beautiful
but a sunset is more beautiful when shared with someone
brutus used to love chasing squirrels
chasing squirrels just is not the same for brutus
roscoe was a serious bed hog
each night lisa would call roscoe from my side and bring him to bed
now roscoe is gone
brutus has taken on the roll of lisa's bedtime routine
but unlike roscoe the bed hog
brutus gets out of bed when I come to bed
then in the morning when lisa gets up and I steal that last hour of semi sleep
brutus often gets into bed by my side or at my feet
brutus is a good dog
brutus is part of the family
tonight at bed time my five year old son dean spoke of how and why he missed Roscoe...
I let him talk
I did reinforce that we loved brutus and roscoe equally
then dean told me the reasons why he missed roscoe
dean misses roscoe for the same reasons I miss roscoe
dean misses roscoe for the same reason brutus misses roscoe
brutus is a good dog
I miss roscoe
I miss brutus having roscoe
maybe it is time to get brutus another dog