cyclists from all over the country and I would guess... all over the world converged on Vegas last month for the cycling industries premiere conference, Interbike
although I have never been and more than likely will never attend I have heard that it is quite the party...
amazing demos and a lot of guys talking about bikes
to break up the sausage fest a number of the companies discovered that they could use attractive women to pull people into their booths and keep them there longer than it takes to snag a free key chain
that is where Booth Babes come into play!
somewhere out there someone has collected images of all the fantastic Booth Babes and is running an underground survey
when I find it... I will let you know
until then
here are some shots to wet your whistle
(mario is hot! I want to say otherwise... but he is hot!)
GO CLIPLESS may be the best place for BOOTH BABES