Heidi Klum
it is interesting
we have a society obsessed with weight, health, and fitness
every year there is a new fad diet
there is always some sort of weight loss advice book on the NY Times Best Seller List
so... with all this thought about weight... why are we so fat?
as I ride my bicycle to work I pass bus stops lined with people and people pinned in their cars
when I pass through the neighborhoods on my way to work I wonder how far these people are to their place of work
and whether or not it would be possible for them to walk rather than wait for the bus
then I remember that I work in a three story building where people wait for the elevator
an old and slow elevator that takes longer to arrive than it would take to walk to the third floor
then I pass an assortment of cars with an assortment of drivers
all sorts of cars pass me filled with all sorts of passangers....
actually none of the cars are filled... rarely does a vehicle have anyone more than the driver
I look at each and every driver as I pass them or when they pass me
as I cyclist it is important for me to anticipate the actions around me
the indicator lights are not good enough
the tilt of the head
the placement of the hands on the steering wheel
these are the things to look for
never trust a turn signal
always trust your spidey senses
within these cars there are all sorts of people
not all of them fat
but... many of them are disgustingly fat
so fat that they need to use the tilt steering wheel to get out of the car
after a snack at the nearest drive through some of these drivers need the jaws of life to free themselves from their four wheeled cage
how does that happen?
I know it is gradual...
but you would think that someone would think.... this is enough
I am too wide to see myself in the mirror
if you are three hundred pounds... the salad at lunch may help
but it may take more than that
like not putting a pound of bacon on that salad
and trying to use less than a bottle of dressing on that salad
yet... I am not so different
I love my food.... bacon and dressing
my weight fluctuates
I am not much for dieting
each winter I pack on the pounds
riding less and eating more puts me on a weight roller coaster
at the start of each spring I am usually closer t0 240 than 220
then by early september the compliments come
the compliments come to me in the form of insults...
"you look great... you lost so much weight"
"you are a shadow of yourself"
"I hardly recognized you... you are so thin"
but no thanks
you are not saying that I am thin
you are saying that I was really fat
well... actually I was never really fat
I was just more heavy and well... the beard adds the illusion of a few pounds as well
bearded and a few pounds heavier with a baggy sweater is different than rolling up clean shaven with a skin tight cycling shirt
what is my point?
no point
I think I just wanted to try and justify a link to the Heidi Klum site
why the REM lyrics link?
just the line....
"not everyone can carry the weight of the world"
scroll down
there are all sorts of great images from yesterdays walk around the block
the Super Model body style may be unrealistic for the average person
there most definitely can be a rational middle ground between Heidi Klum and Jabba the Hutt