he is in town trying to get things straight with stuff in storage
moving again
back to the states
but over to the left coast
san francisco to be exact
my guess it will be different than the last year plus down in Mexico City
the year down south of the border was not just a year away from the states
it was also a year away from the bike
in our talk I was psyched to hear that he had gotten out to a cross race in SF
he was psyched to be out on the bike
with his move to cali
there will also be a move in the direction of his blog
musings from mexico no longer works as a title for his life
that image is from a Men's Vet team at a Granny Gear 24 Hours of Snowshoe event in West VA a few years ago
we fought hard for third in Vet
which was a strong finish overall
here is an article that my friend brian wrote for dirtworld about that race