the story of the yellow jersey...

in short...
the winner of the event from the year prior shows up wearing the yellow jersey
they get to wear the jersey for the first stage
the winner of each stage gets to wear the yellow jersey for the following stage
the jersey passed hands many times

this has been the history of this yellow jersey for the past four years
the jersey changing hands then landing in the hands and on the back of the race winner
the winner is determined by one single hand of black jack
points act as chips... the top five finishers of each stage earn points to act as their chips
there is also a flyer hidden on the trail side of each stage... this flyer is called a "punk"
the punk also acts to earn points

there are some rules about the jersey...
the jersey can not be washed
the jersey is to be displayed in a prominent spot in their house
the jersey is to be worn at your own risk; if and only if your shots are up to date
apparently there was some reprimand issued when Joe Whitehair wore the jersey into the reservoir after last year's event

this year Jonathan of The Family Bike Shop scored some solid points then played an evil hand of Black Jack to finish on top!
I hope the stench of the jersey does not chase the customers from his shop
maybe the smell will make the shop easier to find

thanks to Jim, Jim's inlaws, the Pedalshop, and all other that contributed to a fantastic day on the bike

I fear I should consult my copy editor about this topic before posting
as i am certain I may be releasing some top secret misinformation