this is a sad day
the loss of one of the great Mom and Pop delis in the Adams Morgan in Washington DC for that matter
Mom and Pop are now Grandma and Grandpa, if not great-Grandma and great-Grandpa
(after reading the article I learn that pop died last March)
the time to retire may have come....
but what is to take the place of the Comet Deli?
a laundra-mat?
another Tapas place?
a hair salon?
something privately owned or a national chain?
along with the aledged Gentrification
there is some sort of Generi-fication.... everything is becoming Generic!
so much of the United States has become Anywhere USA
all over the city I have seen the places with character removed for something hipper with a spalsh of neon
or worse yet....
another Starbucks or a Whole Foods
come on...
do we need another Tapas joint in Adams Morgan?
sure, I eat Whole Foods and drink Starbucks
but... when given the option.. Mom and Pop get my cash!
what is a guy to do?
sit back and watch change take its course?
photo from the Washington Post