a few simple rules
there can never be enough blocks when working with Lego
there can never be enough track with working with Thomas the Tank Engine
there is something to be said about "age appropriate"
so many of the modern day parents (like myself) are so quick to share adult ideas with their children
the films my sons watch are often more on par with what young teen agers should be watching rather than developing four and two year olds
we see them as little people... not like small children
just as we let them watch movies that are for older children
we often present them with toys that are for people of an older age as well
so there are times when I try to slow things down a bit
put aside the Star Wars movies
refuse the request for the Spiderman films
and ignore the endless demands for Power Rangers
but instead I reach for some classic old school Scholastic films
many of the Scholastic DVDs and Videos take classic childrens books and put them on the screen
it amazes me to see the children absorb Harold and the Purple Crayon
or for them to soak in the various Maurice Sendak classics with Carol King soundtracks
or even the story of Cordoroy that goes nearly 10 minutes with zero dialogue
they enjoy these dvds more
and ya know what
I enjoy them as well
as far as the toys go.....
my boys have standard Legos
but I like to pull out the larger Legos that meets their age and little hand requirements
there should be no stigma to Duplo
cause if there is... I should wear the scarlet letter for having such a love for Duplo
that said...
I made the Duplo castle in the image above
took the new toys they got for Christmas and pulled out the old toys in the closet
merged the similar toys to get what appears to be one grandious new toy
when it is a collection of toys acquired over the years