she is a cyclist
a messenger to be more specific
she can be seen whipping around the city streets of washington dc
I did not take this photo of meredith
I did take this photo of meredith
here is meredith at myspace
last night I saw meredith racing around at the summer Wednesday Night Time Trials and BBQ in Rock Creek Park
there was a small frame that i was trying to unload on her
so I told her that my place was on her way home
she came by with her boyfriend John on their ride home from the summer fun in the park
in their short pass through my house I gave them a little intro to my world
the boys got their hellos as they took a break from their ink pads and animal stamps
as we talked about photos from asia and this little frame that my wife no longer needs
my younger son approached
two year old grant who was just boasting about being clean and careful had become a big blue mess
I had to shoo my visitors away and stop the madness
a little ink washed away in the tub
i was just relieved that i did not burn the pizza
it is tough for me to keep it together with the kids for just a few hours
how do people keep the kids alive when they are with them all day?