my mother got it for me for my birthday
my mother bought it for me with my brother's recomendation
a pretty good choice
I am sure he will enjoy it when he comes and borrows it
will also want to share the film with some other friends
not just female downhillers like jenn or hillary
I think that this film is entertaining to many types of cyclists and maybe even some non-cyclist but the fancy sub-title thing can scare off a big percentage of non-cyclist world
2 Seconds...
some funny messenger observations
some funny bike shop observations
some amusing racing observations
some amusing road to mountain cyclist observations
waitng to see the observations that are not about cycling
waiting to see soem development of characters
watching it again not quite to where I had stopped it last night
funny story
funny characters
and well
I love FLASHBACK scenes
I do not mind subtitles
good little film
fun little story
fun characters