we like to think that when we pay more we get more
which in so many cases is true
a few weeks ago I stopped by to see an old friend
she took a break from work and we went across the street to grab a soda
the choices were there CVS or Marvelous Market
I was pointing towards the CVS
but altered my course as I could see that she was leaning towards the Marvelous Market
when inside I made things easy grabbed a bottle of Coke and a candy bar, a Bit-O-Honey to be exact
after paying my bill I examined the reciept as the finally tally seemed steep for a two product purchase
it turns out the soda was a pretty standard markup
while the candy bar was a buck sixty five
I asked if the price was correct
to my surprise the man behind the counter claimed it was correct
I asked if I should go back and get the rest of the box
the man stared back blankly
then I asked if this was the organic version of the Bit-O-Honey candy
the man still looked at me blankly
rather than bother to return the product and grab the same thing for its actual price at the CVS or the nearest corner hot dog stand I decided never to return to the world of the Magnificient Markup at the Marvelous Market
my wife and I differ on our stores of choice
lisa is drawn towards the Fresh Fields Whole Foods Market
while I would prefer to shop at Costco
while in Colorado I was pleased to find a Bit-O-Honey for sixty five cents
it was tasty
Bit-O-Honey is similar but different than Mary Jane