this morning as grant played happily with the thomas the train/star wars village i created the night prior, dean complained
dean is holding strong that thomas the train is not for his mature five year old tastes
so often an effort to do something cool can blow up in a parents face
like when I made tuna surpprise by mixing two boxes of regular mac and cheese with one box of arthur mac and cheese
along with the standard cream of mushroom and tuna
arthur was hiding all around
dean would have none of it
had it been all arthur or all regular mac and cheese it would have been fine
but the mix did not appeal to him
the mix drove him away
these responses tend to do more with a mood
this morning dean was in a mood
when lisa got back from a morning run with the dogs she reminded the boys that today is my birthday
everyone got a little excited
the boys each started singing different happy birthday songs
dean asked if he could give me my present now
lisa said, no tonight
dean said, no now
I said nothing... but was thinking, no now
lisa got the present
immediately I started joking as i was handed a small
a white shipping envelope that held the bulging form of whatever was inside
I questioned...
it does not look like a unicycle
it does not feel like a unicycle
it does not feel heavy enough to be a unicycle
I tore open my package
my eyes widened and my mouth smiled
it was a wool dirt rag jersey in grey and black
along with two pairs of dirt rag socks
what a great gift
dirt rag
no.... that is not me in the photo above
that is a different Clydesdale
Dirt Rag Co-founder Maurice
a clydesdale and a member of the mountain bike hall of fame
the jersey and socks are my size
the unicycle could be a tough purchase to make
size and quality and such
lisa made the right decision.... as per usual
dirt rag art director at myspace
the DIRT RAG FORUM sent me an automated message wishing me a happy birthday
isn't that sweet