in the world of DC folklore there are a number of significant characters that appeared and reappeared for decades within the sphere of the night club scene a few weeks ago I ran into "Loveboat Jeff" when I was on my way to get tickets for the American Hardcore film he had a sign that said he would tell you a lie for a dollar so I stopped gave him two dollars towards his next beer did not ask for my two lies to my amazement Jeff recognized me we caught up quick as I had to cross town before heading home to the family in our rapid exchange I told him I was headed to get tickets for American Hardcore in an almost demanding sort of way Jeff asked me to get him a ticket then gave me the number to reach him at it was the number of the shelter we parted I got two tickets but did not get a ticket for him figured that he would forget and not make it for showtime the other day I ran into Loveboat Jeff down the block from work he brought up the film as it turns out he went and saw it the day after I saw it there was no mention of the ticket maybe he felt awkward for standing me up then when headed back from the Tacchino Ciclocross race in Leesburg I saw George George who several decades ago traveled about on a BMX bike apparently panhandling works for this guy at the same game in a different location sadly... I would figure it safe to say that assertive panhandlers make more money than the average working stiff getting a check for minimum wage our society is skewed then this morning while riding to work I saw a face I had not seen in some time BLELVIS yes, Blelvis is in the house was rolling into work down Columbia road when I saw a man stepping off the curb into the street pulling a large suitcase behind him as he scanned for a clear space between the cars to cross the street I caught his eyes gave him a point and yell, "yo BLELVIS" I got a smile and a wave back years ago... not sure when Blelvis' career as a street performer ended but years ago Blelvis (short for Black Elvis) would walk the strip of Adams Morgan in front of the bars and the clubs offering his entertainment for a dollar not a bad deal in hindsight Blelvis was in fact a black Elvis impersonator not only was he an Elvis impersonator, but also a pre-Internet Wikipedia source of all information Elvis there was no stumping this guy never did anyone get obscure enough to stump this guy with some Elvis trivia he knowledge of Elvis music and Elvis songs was amazing for a dollar he would sing an Elvis song on any topic or theme I wonder what Blelvis is up to these days still in the area or maybe he is just about to leave town I was tempted to slow and snap a few pictures but it was vital that I keep rolling into work now I am at work wishing I had snapped a few pictures and gotten some of his story filled into my head Blelvis' history is documentary worthy
the Internet....
Blelvis is GOOGLE-ABLE
are you? I hope he is well
would clean this up
lack the time