great thanksgiving
great thanksgiving weather
there was some amazing thanksgiving week weather
got a good number of things done with my time away from work
although none of that time involved the bike
had I anticipated such weather I would have brought a bike
but there is usuall cold and snow in pittsburgh by this time of year
again I feel that I should store a beater at the inlaws for short escapes during each visit
did the holiday drive to the inlaws
each year the traffic gets harder to dodge
managed to get a good amount of stuff done
in addition to all sorts of family fun
there was a trip to the unbeatable pittsburgh children's musuem
a smile when the FONZ card got me and my family into the pittsburg zoo for free
had a great time getting the tour of the dirt rag facilities
enjoyed more family fun
got back to dc with time for a five year old's birthday party and cirque du soliel
no bike
but still pretty darn good
that picture of me with the spec in the back which may well be a speckled bear was taken by my five year old
he loves taking pictures