only a complete idiot would try to build a car piece by piece
could you imagine heading to Track Auto and purchasing the parts one at a time... no
it is not uncommon for people to build up a bike piece by piece
just like a car a bicycle cost more piece by piece than if rolling off compete from the showroom floor
I have build a bike or two up piece by piece...
I have had bikes built up for me piece by piece
in so many ways I prefer to buy the bike out of a box
earlier this year I broke my well ridden Jamis Nova cyclocross frame
without arguement the folks at Jamis warrantied the frame
having a somewhat fresh and somewhat new Specialized Cross bike I was not rushed to build up the Nova
now, the time has come to approach the Things to Do list and start crossing things off instead of just writing things down
time to build the Nova...
and well... so many of the partson the Nova are old and tired
as the frame is fresh and new... I want the next incarnation of the Nova to ride showroom new
new headset...
new bottom bracket...
new crankset
all were ordered today
already had a cassette and chain for replacement
even had Salsa Bell Lap handlebars
all for refreshing the Nova
now with a fresher frame... it makes even more sense
canceling the notion of the Salsas...
going with the On One Midge handlebars
(looking to get more comfortable on the cross bike)
the wheels are good... classic Mavic Open Pro... low miles
have a coupon for a Thompson product that I won in a raffle after the 24Hour Big Bear event
and well
there are all the other parts remaining that were pulled off the old Nova
all those nuts and bolts
hope the shifters and derailers are still operational after a little cleaning up
if these parts are failing...
I may be wishing that I just went ahead and bought a new bike
the rebuild can often cost more than two thirds of a complete bike
the parts are not in
which means we are still many stages from the build
but this was a step that had been put off long enough
sean bega at city bikes gave me some good advice on parts
then I refined my search with a call to my brother
my brother knows my needs and my affordable sensibilities
much of what I ordered resembles what my brother rides
if those parts are good enough for my brother to race strong at the Cyclocross Nationals
then those parts are good enough for me to chase behind the pack for a few races each cyclocross season
fenders were condisidered...
but I think that is more a notion of a beater frankenbike
guess I should have ordered some fenders to get my momentum going on getting that old Benotto that I have had hanging around finally built up
that can happen after I throw a crank arm on my Colnago Franken-fixie
the bike will come together nicely...
although my shifters are low end and have been through some crashes
they still shift
then there are the paul levers and the spooky brakes... far superior to the Avids on the Specialized Tri Cross
as for the Tufos... those are not too good for the streets
a flat would leave you stranded
as for racing on the Tufos... although they suit my non-Snake Bike puncture needs
the Tufos are not wide enough for me
perhaps another bike swap option
the notion of the cross bike being built excites me
but there is really no rush
as cross season is over
as my brother said... cyclocross is about racing
there is very little reason to have cross practice if you not going to have cross racing
sure there oculd be an informal cross race
but there are no more meetings for cross practice
I did not make any of the meetings for cross practice
the Nova sounds like it will be a sweet bike when built up
did not go with anything Chris King or Phil Wood
yes.. the lever are Paul and the brakes are Spooky
but... there are no real other options
basic Shimano
basic Ritchey
these things work for me
even if I went with the FSA cranks instead of the Ritchey ones
oh... if the Midge Bars suit me
I will put them on the Specialized Tri-Cross as well