to never go back
dag nasty
a classic song with some lyrics that I feel like reviewing
have some good memories of working/hanging with Shawn Brown
I pulled him off the streets to hang with me when I was working at a bike shop
by pulling him off the streets... I mean I asked him if he wanted to be a mechanic instead of working as a messenger
we had a great clubhouse situation
it was not a perfect work situation
as the bike shop is not a perfect work situation
as working at big wheel is not a perfect work situation
as working with me is not a perfect work situation
in any case... we had a good time hanging out working on bikes
SWIZ of course was the brain child of jason farrell
jason currently is doing design for brian baker of dag nasty
in additon to making his own music, other design work, and some skating
how the world goes full circle
in any case...
the notion of learning to never go back arises from this morning's ride
this morning when suiting up to ride I thought about my day
I realized that there was no time for a prework ride or for a post work ride
so, I debated the practicality of layering with cycling gear
it was rainging... gortex would have to happen... office gear was not an option
but... I decided to ride the old Rocky Mountain Blizzard just the same
earlier this week Rocco was in town from Colorado via Philly
he crashed at my place and dragged me out for drinks
we met up with Swamper at the lucky bar for beer and pool
it was good to catch up
no camera to tell the tale
although there was bicycle action mixed in
as Rocco was having fun on the Blizzard and we ended up boozing it up with some messengers
back to the point...
although I still had to slip into some cycling gear I still thought I would scope out the notion of riding to work in a basic commuter style
flat pedals and regular shoes
so I got onto the Blizzard which had platform pedals still on it from Rocco's joyride
when I got on the 21.5 inch Rocky Mountain Blizzard in the alley behind my house I felt as if I had just thrown my leg over my five year old's 20 inch wheel bike
I dwarfed it
like a bear riding a bike in the circus
yes... it is ridable
after a few blocks and a little pedal rotation I warm up to it
not that it fits
but I adjusted
the point
I am in the world of the 29er...
the 26er has no place in my world
there is no reason for me to dable in that world
as that world is not my world
the 29er is the world for me
today confirmed that
assured me of that
reminded me of that
sounds ike a new Single Speed to bump the old single speed down in rotation
then to bump a few 26ers out
there are some good parts
especially some good wheels
IF blog
or is this the IF BLOG
look fast... there is mention of Faia's Gran Prix win on that IF page
that's enough now
no one can read as much as I have posted
good night
have a good holiday
of course I will tune back in
but who knows what I will have to post?