then I take these various shots and put them together like puzzles
some puzzles come together better than others
better shots tend to make better puzzles
these pieces of the puzzle were from yesterday
today it was wet and rainy
there was no time and no desire for taking pictures
was out at lunch
covered a number of city blocks
but there would not have been time to stall in the cold wet rain
well... there was time but very little desire
less bicycles and less bicycles moving about unneccesarily
those bicycles that were out covered their ground with effieciency
I did not appreciate the blue skies of yesterday until the grey sky of today appeared
then the cold wet afternoon darkness reminded me of dc in the winter
there are a few more pictures...
I made a bunch of puzzles with same subjects
but different aspect ratios
after I post these... there are some other good photos from yesterday I have not taken into photoshop