on my ride home from work I snapped a few shots with the camera slung around my neck
here are some shots on the move
went straight home
wanted to ride but had a better plan
rode straight home and grabbed my older son dean and the trail-a-bike
had the initial intention of rolling a quick ride with dean then a quick ride with grant
but the loop I had intended upon took longer than I thought
this was the innagural ride
dean had not even know that grant and I had bought it
there was some simple first time set up
easy enough
there were tasks of fetching helmets
there were discussions about the multi-tool
the trail-a-bike is a squirelly proposition
at high speeds and at low
it is more like pulling a trailer than pulling a trailer
took some learning and adjusting
for both me and for dean
went on the bike path down to the monuments
dipped down towards haines point
zipped up to the 14th street bridge instead
crossed over into virginia on the bike path on the 14th street bridge
crossing back over into dc on the memorial bridge
there was notice of the time and my initial intention
I figured to focus on making this experience count and giving grant the full deal on another day
dean recognized various spots from the not as frequent as they should be rides in the trailer
we passed close by the lincoln then the jefferson memorial
the rowers in the river seemed to be of greater interest
the washington monument was also within view
but the early bloom of the beautiful trees (magnolia and othe spring blossoming tress) were in the forground and worth witnessing before they passed
the cherry blossoms were not yet in bloom
the tourists were making the loops just the same
the path was crowded and the traffic was bad
we warmed up the the limits and abilities of the trail-a-bike with the cross bike pretty quick
ending it all thinking that a mountain bike may work better
there is good team work
but wonder if there were a way we could communicate
does someone make an inexpensive headset
something better than the costco two way radio
but at more of a happy meal price
wonder if the metal cowboy had anything...
as riding cross country pulling to kids under 8
well... that is a lot of are we there yet?.... and can I go to the bathroom?s