last night I went to the local premire of 24 Solo
met up with fellow DCMTB/City Bikes team member Anna for a trip out of DC over into Virginia
neither of us knew exactly how to get to the Arlington Cinema and Draft House
but we both brought directions
and well...
I have a pretty good idea where it is
just not sure how to get their by bicycle
having never really ridden with anna before I was not sure what to expect
I arrived on my multi-geared specialized cyclocross bike
anna was on her franken-fixie
we took the most direct route towards virginia which involved some hectic rush hour quality traffic
early into the ride I saw that anna has some serious skills
she got cornered by a taxi cab as we headed down 16th street
she managed to whip around and dodge things without incident
much more comfortable on the fixie than myself
neither of us were sure exactly how to get where we were going...
but my friend tyson had emailed me what seemed to be simple directions
so we went with those
16th Street...
down past K Street.... left onto H Street and right onto 15th
we passed some monuments and lots of cars
we cruised through when we could
stopped when we had to stop
anna poised and ready for attack in a track stand
while I stabled myself with a foot steady on the ground
we got onto the bike path by the Lincoln Memorial and guessed our way on the network of bike paths toward the Pentagon
we found Columbia Pike just as Tyson had instructed
we arrived at the Draft House with plenty of time
some seats were saved for us and we settled in for what turned out to be a fantastic film
my brother joined us and we joined some of anna's friends
after the film we rode back into the city
chatting as we rode
both of us with flashing lights
only the NiteRider MiNewt on my handlebars
lights were only vital on the bike path
the flashing lights are usually good enough with the lighting on the city streets
good to ride with anna
good to get to talk with her
we are planning to try and get some more rides going out of the neigborhood
we have talked about a ride out to Cabin John
but at this point we have done no more than talk