it is turn off your television week
or something to that effect
listening to music is a pleasure
the music is coming from the television
got that cable retro active channel on comcast going
a great mix
the english beat, to the ramones, then the jam, now iggy pop
back from trying to put the boys back to bed
I have cacti prickles in my hand
grant knocked over dean's cactus
I tried to clean it up
will need gloves and more dirt
and a vacuum
got back downstairs and souxie and the banshees were playing
not my thing
but enjoyed hearing then and now
the damned, the clash, and the dc hardcore stuff was on my turntables and my cassette players
bruce foxton
perhaps the only man in history to look cool with a mullet
the boys are now downstairs surrounding me
I am letting them pick out a toy
I may have to put on my angry voice
letting them pick out a toy worked
they picked out a toy box
but at least they are headed to bed
or at least they are headed to the bedroom