laws are rules
these guidelines for life seem almost unnecessary
we all know right from wrong
we do not need a sign every ten feet to tell us what the law is in that particular situation
the signs on the border of Rock Creek Park that say NO DUMPING
those that are dumping their construction debris there know that it is illegal
the sign reminding them the law has no effect upon their action
like the sign telling dog walkers to pick up their dog poop
people will behave in a certain manner no matter what the law is
no matter what the sign says
it only takes one ignorant contractor and one ignorant dog walker for a eye sore to be created or for a pet placed landmine to litter the area
there are various spots where people are dumping their shit whenever they choose
how can they be stopped?
the doors and the paint cans...
the worn out tires...
the yard clippings that will never decompose in that large pile...
they know they are wrong
they do not care
to these people... it is an issue of doing what they do
only showing remorse if they get caught
which in so many ways is too late... unless it changes future behavior
behavior needs to be changed
some people just were not raised right
some people just never grow up