still warm enough for some fun on the bike

it is still warm enough for some fun on the bike

fall is still here
winter has yet to arrive

it is still warm enough for some fun on the bike

tonight after work I went for a quick hammer on the bike
took the geared karate monkey through car traffic in georgetown
then onto the mount vernon trail for some bicycle traffic

the sky was that dark blue violet
the monuments were stark white across the river

I worked really hard to go not very fast

it is a heavy bike
but really... it is my legs that are heavy

got home after almost an hour long hammer on the bike

raced traffic up 16th Street until I submitted and took the sidewalk by Malcolm X Park
rolled past the rally at Mount Pleasant Park
got home and walked the dog with a Petzel on my head

it was too late to get the kids excited about heading up to the rally

there was not time to feed the kids, go to the rally, then get home in time to go out

tonight lisa and I went out
I think I will play with some images from going out