common sense could change your day...
common sense could change your day
common sense could save you some money
common sense could aid in avoiding a long list of inconveniences
common sense could save someone's life
the other morning I went into work late
had to stay late so it worked out so that I could arrive late
wanted to go for a run in the woods with the dog
but driving the boys to school sounded like a better option
so lisa handled the black dog brutus while I handled the boys
after dropping the boys off at school I came up empty in my effort to multi-task
as it turns out Hudson Trail Outfitters does not open until ten am
so I headed back home without new trail running shoes... and without being able to return the christmas present jersey that is one size too small
when I got back home I offered breakfast at Tryst or the Diner as an option to lisa

she was tempted... but she did not think she had time with all the things she needed to do before she picked Dean up from a half day of school
as lisa stepped out the door she asked if I could drop off some baby gear that we no longer need at a neighboring day care center
although I had not looked forward to it
it was something that needed to be done
it felt good to shed that shit
when I left from the day care center and my house was free of all that plastic stuff that I have been tripping over in the basement
well... I felt good doing the right thing
with this odd gap of time I decided to grab some boxes from work and drop them off at Dean's school
over the past many months I had been collecting boxes for the teacher of Dean's class
I had intended to grab them the following Monday for drop off the following morning
but the window of opportunity seemed better at that moment
as I took Rock Creek Parkway to my office downtown I watched from a perspective I do not normally get to see
that perspective from behind the wheel of a car
the near accidents were at every turn
people did idiotic things that put themselves and others at risk
the actions of the driver's around me showed ignorance and lack of foresight
knowing that people do not always behave as they should

I entered the right lane as I approached an odd on ramp that feeds in from the left
as I passed this interesting on ramp on Rock Creek Parkway I looked to see if someone was going to run the stop sign or rush the gap
right before my eyes the second car in the queue lunged forward
the small silver Scion crumpled when it smashed into the tail end of the massive SUV
the airbag was deployed
many people were inconvenienced... some more than others
accidents happen... somethings can be avoided
for some this was an expensive morning
everyday people rush around in a panic
getting no where any faster
the flurry of energy does not aid in efficiency
it just compounds with the anxiety and tension of the day
people need to slow down
people need to chill out
a little common sense could save some time, some money, and some inconvenience
as well as avoid the worst case scenario
people could slow down from the second they get into their cars
everyone knows that it is important to let the engine warm up before driving
but nobody waits for that requisite 30-60 seconds
no... people just slap their ass in the seat and step on the gas
allowing themselves to get caught up in the energy from second one

it that same driver slowed things down
turned on the engine... put on their seat belt... found that right station with the right volume... checked on all passengers and their seat belts before they pull forward
well... they could start their driving experience with a more placid presence
then as they move about the city
if they could replace efficiency with high speed
well... that would be fantastic
ironically... fast driving does not get anyone anywhere any quicker
it is efficiency