(to be pronounced as Jerry Seinfeld would say Newman)
saturday morning I woke up and started to drag my gear out to the car
when I got to the Element I pushed the unlock button
nothing... not an audible click... not a beep of the horn... nothing
I figured that the watch battery in the keychain was dead
so I opened the doors old school... with the actual key
when I went to start the car I got nothing
nothing... not the sound of the ignition... not the sound of the sound of the starter... not even a dim light on the dash
jeff peel
(to be pronounced as Jerry Seinfeld would say Newman)
if I were to be on time to meet at the parking lot at Rosaryville I needed to be rolling on the road then and there
the car was packed but not ready to roll
I grabbed my cell and called Cargo Mike and Kent to let them know I would be 15 minutes behind schedule
just a short set back... the battery needs a jump
considered going ghetto style and rolling things down the hill for the compression start
but knew that I had jumpers and access to lisa's car... so I went legit
jeff peel
(to be pronounced as Jerry Seinfeld would say Newman)
in the days prior I had some emails back and forth with jeff peel
jeff was leaning on me pretty hard
apparently he was pretty upset about my car having one wheel a few inches onto the bike lane
jeff had reprimanded me on this before
I just knew that jeff peel had drained my battery in an effort to teach me a lesson
that is just jeff's style
jeff peel
(to be pronounced as Jerry Seinfeld would say Newman)
I grabbed lisa's keys... pulled her car next to mine... jumped my car
yes... jeff peel was a suspect... everyone was a suspect... my boys... public enemy number one
jeff peel
(to be pronounced as Jerry Seinfeld would say Newman)
my two boys were some of my top suspects
after some slight detective work I recalled that the light by the rear hatch had been on the other day when I was driving around before my late entry to work
apparently when I loaded up with all those boxes I inadvertently turned on the roof lamp
leaving that light on overnight
thus the dead battery
jeff peel
(to be pronounced as Jerry Seinfeld would say Newman)
that is Jeff Peel rocking the fixie at DCMTB's DCCX 2007