THE 2008 MORE Winter Party

the 2008 winter more party
I crashed with a camera and a salad
lisa made a wonderful salad to contribute to a stellar buffet
the above shot is the 2008 Board with the trail liaisons
my camera is weak indoors... so rather than use the flash I accept the blur and get what I get
the new president Jason Stoner commands the crowd to stand, bow, offer a moment of silence, then sing Hail to the Chief
apparently... absolute power corrupts absolutely
trail names are in the process of being changed
I have been told that Jason has had to buy a larger helmet since accepting this appointment
oh course I kid... it is worse than that... but I do not risk speaking the truth
it was a fantastic gather
a gathering that involved food, friends, a great slide show by Joey P, and HOPE
it is so great to learn that we are gaining and building trails rather than losing them
passion! these people have passion!
MORE: Midatlantic Off-Road Enthusiasts
if you live in the Mid Atlantic Region of the United States
these are the people to thank for your trails
this is the place to send your money
IMBA:International Mountain Bike Association is also on the case

the 2008 winter more party
I crashed with a camera and a salad
lisa made a wonderful salad to contribute to a stellar buffet
the above shot is the 2008 Board with the trail liaisons
my camera is weak indoors... so rather than use the flash I accept the blur and get what I get

apparently... absolute power corrupts absolutely
trail names are in the process of being changed
I have been told that Jason has had to buy a larger helmet since accepting this appointment
oh course I kid... it is worse than that... but I do not risk speaking the truth
it was a fantastic gather
a gathering that involved food, friends, a great slide show by Joey P, and HOPE
it is so great to learn that we are gaining and building trails rather than losing them
passion! these people have passion!
MORE: Midatlantic Off-Road Enthusiasts
if you live in the Mid Atlantic Region of the United States
these are the people to thank for your trails
this is the place to send your money
IMBA:International Mountain Bike Association is also on the case